Hartford Riverfront Cross Race Report – Travis Burleson

September 14, 2017

Weather: Low 60s, sunny, N wind 10kts Kit: Community CX Mesh Skinsuit, Lake MX237 Supercross Shoes, Giro long finger gloves, Specialized Evade Helmet Bike: (A) Specialized Crux Bib:  209.  Predicted 10th Wheelset: NEXT 35 Tires: Tubular Clement MPX (19f/22r) Warmup: Two course inspections. Sky warmup on the trainer using the B bike [...]

GMSR Cat 1 Race Report – Daniel Nuzzo-Mueller

September 13, 2017

Oh man GMSR was quite an experience this year. I had told myself I would be happy getting in the top 20 and I managed it at 18th overall. But I am left wanting more because I know I can get more from myself. I could have played a few moves smarter, taken a few more risks here or [...]

GMSR Cat 3 Race Report – John Jantz

September 12, 2017

The last time I wrote a race report (following my broken pelvis at Giro del Cielo) I ended by saying that my 2017 season was over but that, “I was already looking forward to 2018.” Well, it turns out that my 2017 season was not over. After some gentle nudging from the team – looking at you Dan – and [...]

Giro del Cielo P123 Race Report – by John Jantz

July 14, 2017

Stage 1: ITT   This was my first true ITT.  I purchased a TT bike back in January but an unfortunate accident in March prevented me from riding it at all until about mid-June.  But with this race in mind, I was able to get a few good sessions on it in the weeks leading up to the race.  The course was [...]

Syracuse Road Race P12 Race Report – By Erik Markewich

June 28, 2017

NYS road championship, just south of Syracuse in central NY. Also...part of an omnium weekend?!?! Some were chasing omnium points, some were chasing the jersey, wound up pretty weird tactically. The course is 3 26mi loops with a 3mi out and back from the start, totaling 85 miles and is generally quite windy. There is one climb that is [...]

Purgatory P12 Race Report – By Daniel Nuzzo-Mueller

June 26, 2017

I don’t exactly want to admit it, but Purgatory was a bit of a target this year. While you never really want to walk (ride) away from a silent target with anything less than a win I told myself that getting the state championship jersey was a good secondary goal.   I will just throw this right out there, it [...]

Quabbin P12 Race Report – By Daniel Nuzzo-Mueller

May 14, 2017

To start let me say that this was the longest road race I have ever done. Not my longest ride, (That honor goes to the 200 on 100 that I did with my girlfriend, Anne) but it was the longest race I have ever done by about 15 miles. I was definitely nervous going into it.   The mood was pretty [...]

Tour of Washington County P123

July 9, 2016

Here's Joe Siegel's report from TOWC in Maryland:
GC: steak knives*
The GC was a better result than I could have imagined or hoped for coming into the race. And yet, I was so, so disappointed to get it. I was only ever in a position to win because the RR winner flatted in the TT, so it was not a position [...]

Dirty Kanza 200

June 5, 2016

Jarvis just finished a huge ride - the Dirty Kanza. Here's how it went: Drove into Emporia, Kansas on Friday after spending a few days with some friends/support crew in Colorado. Camping in a RV campground after 8 hours of being in a car wasn't an ideal pre-race night but everything in the town gets booked up instantly for the race. [...]

Kicking off the year at the Buttery

April 3, 2016

Morning rides are best started with a good espresso and some delicious pastries. The Buttery got us going before an early mid-week ride.buttery [...]

Shop ride is on for June 22!

Join us at 8AM at Community Bicycle Supply!

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