Daniel Nuzzo-Mueller

1. Guilty snack
2. Favorite ice cream flavor
Picco’s Dark Chocolate Sorbet (I swear it is the best chocolate “ice cream” I have ever had)
3. How do you stay warm on the bike during winter?
Gore products and pedaling harder
4. Any race day superstition?
If I flat in the week before a major race I will do well.
5. Aero or lightweight
….not a question…..The aero gods look unkindly upon this debate.
6. Favorite pro race
Tour of Flanders
7. Headwind or crosswind
I like it when my wind shadow is in a ditch.
8. Morning or afternoon ride
I like to get the best / hardest part of my day in first thing in the AM.
9. Favorite coffee preparation/bean roast?
Dark and bitter, like my soul. The Buttery does their dark roast well.
10. How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?
Meh, not bad, not amazing. Could go either way. The crust is what matters the most.

Shop ride is on for June 22!

Join us at 8AM at Community Bicycle Supply!

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