Patrick Luckow

1. Guilty snack
Muffins. No guilt.
2. Favorite ice cream flavor
Vanilla Bean
3. How do you stay warm on the bike during winter?
More layers than I used to use. The warmest of tights.
4. Any race day superstition?
Coffee before the race. Jammin to rockin tunes in your head at the start light.
5. Aero or lightweight
6. Favorite pro race
the ardennes classics
7. Headwind or crosswind
no wind
8. Morning or afternoon ride
9. Favorite coffee preparation/bean roast?
Espresso. Whatever shows up in my coffee subscription (Ruby)
10. How do you feel about pineapple on pizza?
Yes please

Shop ride is on for June 22!

Join us at 8AM at Community Bicycle Supply!

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